I missed a day!!
I'm sorry! I missed a day in my plan to blog everyday! But here I am, what a relief, right. So here is my excuse: I could barely move yesterday cause i was so hungover. Still feeling it today, and this is from saturday night. I wish I could say that I drank like four bottles of wine, but in all honestly i am pretty sure it was about not even one, but i really couldn't tell you for sure. My tolerance for alcohol has PLUMMETED since being here. We had "wine kilometer" saturday night to replace "beer mile" which we will miss at whitman this year. So now I am going to go get some food to keep up the fight against my stomach, which doesn't want food in it. In other news, I have gigantic hole in my back molar, I think an old filling fell out. Dr. Beardslee, I am coming to see you the minute i get home.