Back to school...
I'm back at whitman and my house is trashed. It was coming along quite nicely, the living room had furniture and my room had stuff put away and such and then our dumb landlord decided we would have the carpet cleaned today. Which WAS necessary, as the last tenant had a dog and there was dog hair EVERYWHERE, like embedded in the carpet like an inch thick, but really, couldn't we have done this before? so we had to move EVERYTHING into the kitchen. Back to square one...oh well. I need to get internet in my house so i can post pictures, and also call the prison to see if i still have a job. so much to do...and classes start tomorrow. ANY my lovely advisor informed us that for his class tomorrow night, we have 300 pages of reading due. Usually we don't have work for the first day but apparently we have one less classtime this semester than he thought, so we had to do work for the first day. Yuck. And to top it all off, I had my most expensive semester for books, ringing up to a wonderful $462. Yay.