Well, I'm back in walla walla after a wild ten days. ok, wild 5 days, then a few days in seattle. last friday I flew to vegas and met matte, brita, jen, dyl, zieak, and cena (well the last two came a day later than me). we stayed at the Luxor, where our reservation was messed up so we got a suite for the week for the price of a normal room. sweet. the Luxor was awesome. The boys played a lot of poker (i watched) and the girls stuck to slots, with the exception of cena, who actually is good enough to play real poker. we walked all over the strip and went to a show that was imitators of american stars (we saw britney, christina, michael, tim mcgraw and elvis). we went to the top of the stratosphere and went on the big shot, the ride that goes straight up into the sky--it was scary! zieak and matte went on the one that shoots you off the side so it looks like you are gonna plummet into the street below, and said it was the scariest ride they had ever been on. we bought some of the pictures that the ride takes, where you look like an idiot. well, i look like an idiot. dylan bought one of the water ride at the adventuredome just cause i look like such a freak. speaking of the adventuredome, dyl and I got sick on the spongebob ride. how sad/embarrassing is that. it was a virtual ride that was just too much, and we had to vacate in the middle, which stopped the ride and turned it all off and the little kids weren't too pleased with us. hmmm oh we also hit two strip clubs, the Spearmint Rhino and one the next night that i can't remember the name of (the first one was better, overall). Zieak bought me a lapdance at both. my first two lapdances. woohoo. matte bought me a spearmint rhino tank top so now i can look either like a stripper or a frequenter of the spearmint rhino, neither of which is probably desirable. oh well. i have a few pictures to post soon but i have to get a bunch from zieak. or he might post them too. and jennifer has a bunch too. check back later!