Karna's Blog

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


seems really crappy. My host mom is constantly yelling at my 11 year old host brother. Last night he pushed Francesco, my 7 year old host brother, down the spriral apartment stairs. Actually, maybe it is not so much the parenting, it is the psycho possessed child. He seriously needs an exorcist or something. The kid does nothing but scream in Italian, get up during dinner about 12 times to kick the wall and throw things and try to hit his mom, immediately followed by holding her hand and trying to cuddle with her. A child psychologist would have a field day with this kid. Manuela says he has trouble with the divorce. Maybe I just better make sure I don't have kids then get divorced. But on the other hand, I think I turned out alright, and my parents are divorced. Ok, I'm convinced, he's just possessed.