Karna's Blog

Saturday, September 03, 2005


does strange things sometimes. I consider myself to have a fairly high alchohol tolerance. granted, it dropped a little when i started working at kitos, since i worked instead of drank, but i still think it's up there. last night we had our first senior class party. I drank, over the course of 3 hours, two mike's, two keystones, and a glass of wine. not particularly a lot, since that is only like a little more than 1.5 drinks per hour. however, i thought death was knocking at my door this morning. talk about a pounding head. seriously thought i was going to die, even when i was asleep. i had a dream all night that there was a screw loose in my brain, i don't know WHY my brain was screwed together but it was, and one of the screws had come loose, causing my head to hurt badly, and i was awaiting my doctor's appointment to have it tightened when i woke up. Woke up to discover that in fact my head really DID hurt. Weird. must have been a bad combination of booze.