Karna's Blog

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Happy March

How pathetic i have not written in almost 3 weeks. I got reprimanded by my 4-days-overdue prego cousin for not updating, so here it is. I started last monday in my part-time teaching. So I am actually for real standing in front of 25 8th graders for 3 periods a day teaching them. hopefully they are learning. I have one language arts class in which we are reading The Pearl by John Steinbeck. A little depressing to teach, since the baby gets its head blown off by a rifle at the end of the story. There's a cheerful moral story for you. DOn't find a huge pearl and become obsessed with being rich or your baby will get its heada shot off. In Social Studies we are doing the constitution. This is boring even for the teachers so that sucks too. I was asked today why the hell they needed to know this stuff, would they ever use it in life. They said have I ever had a job where I needed to know this crap. I said, well yes, here, so I can teach it to you, haha. They said "any other job besides teaching?" and I couldn't think of anything so I told them "yes, every job application I have ever had asked me what Article 4, section 3 says in the constitution and if I hadn't asnwered right I would not have been hired". haha. corrupting young minds already. I was gonna go see kalen and zac this weekend but they both have tests this week and said antoher weekend would be better. That's about all around here. It snowed last night and the night before and was a blizzard this morning! unfortunately it was only in the south where I live and not in Renton (middle school) or Kirkland (college) so that sucks. nothing cancelled. bummer. ill write more later.