High and Historical
Me, Sarah, Andrew, Nate and Matt are at 905 right now, in Andrew's room. We just got back from The Green, having a "we just got done with our last historical methodologies class ever and are finally 21 so let's go to the bar to celebrate" get-together. We are listening to music that i have never heard before....let me ask who it is. hold on. stone temple pilots. Not only do i not know any of their songs, i have not even heard of this band at all. I must be a cultural loser. I like rap. Give me snoop, dre, or eminem any day. 50 cent is good too. update: there are three stoned guys dancing behind me. I think i should give this up now, and maybe hide becasue they're freaking me out a little. i'll give you more info on this very weird situation later.