Thank you.
My fears have subsided. I do have a fan club of readers. you guys rock! And I love you :) I also like the story made out of my blog titles :)
I have class soon, but tonight I am putting pictures on my iPod and then downloading (uploading?) them onto my blog for you all to see. Excited, aren't you? I can tell. The weather here is beautiful. I had to wear a skirt and shirt with no coat cause it is so warm. As a result, I got whistled at and commented at the whole walk to school, because Italian men have no tact and are generally disgusting. I've decided I much prefer the Americans on this count. Tonight, my friend Cammie is here (she is studing in Budapest) so we are actually going to go out and attempt to have a nightlife. Wish us luck, we are sorely out of practice.
I have class soon, but tonight I am putting pictures on my iPod and then downloading (uploading?) them onto my blog for you all to see. Excited, aren't you? I can tell. The weather here is beautiful. I had to wear a skirt and shirt with no coat cause it is so warm. As a result, I got whistled at and commented at the whole walk to school, because Italian men have no tact and are generally disgusting. I've decided I much prefer the Americans on this count. Tonight, my friend Cammie is here (she is studing in Budapest) so we are actually going to go out and attempt to have a nightlife. Wish us luck, we are sorely out of practice.