Karna's Blog

Sunday, September 11, 2005


I will soon do a post about the Keith Urban concert last night, but first, since fucking hotmail doesnt work and hasn't for the last two days, this is my plea for help from zieak, the computer God. My computer won't recognize my digital camera, no icon appears on my desktop, on iPhoto i can still download pictures but it won't automatically delete them from my camera, probably cause the rest of my computer doesnt even know a camera is plugged in, and the stupid people in India who just tried to help me said there is absolutely nothing i can do besides buy a new laptop. That my specific computer does not support transfer of video files from a camera via a USB cable, only a firewire cable, but that my specific camera does not support a firewire cable. what the fuck kind of setup is that. Why would sony design something that so totally does not work. I hate cameras, computers, and anything technical except my cell phone, which i cannot live without.