so mixed...
I'm pretty damn pissed off again because I have spent the majority, and I am not exaggerating, of the last two days on the phone with or driving to Comcast to figure out what is wrong wit hthe damn internet. a new router and new modem later, it does not work again. all looked good this morning until right now. It gets a signal for about three hours, then dies and I have to unhook EVERYTHING, reset EVERYTHING, plug it all back in and it will work for another two to there hours. fuck that. this is a bunch of shit.
On the other hand, I just got some chai. chai makes me happy. I am sicker than a damn dog, can't breathe, cough all day long, and the internet doesnt work, but chai makes me pretty happy.
On the other hand, I just got some chai. chai makes me happy. I am sicker than a damn dog, can't breathe, cough all day long, and the internet doesnt work, but chai makes me pretty happy.