all the way curly hair
no more semi-curly. I permed it. Against Cena's advice, but I did it. and it is WAY curly. But the lady said to give it three days to a week and it will relax especially cause myhair is soooo heavy and thick. evidenced by the FOUR HOURS I sat in that chair today getting it permed. I actually like it now too, but it is not what my vision was. My vision is hair that is about the same curlyness as the below picture but 1) that the curl goes all the way to my roots, not just 2/3 of the way up like it does naturally, and 2) it stays all day, cause that picture below is my hair at it's VERY best. one hour later the curl falls. So, hopefully this new perm action will chill out a little and give me my above two hair wishes. Once it is calmer I will give you a picture. and derek, you're great.