Weekend weekend
I was getting used to my boring lifestyle and here I have had two exciting weekends in a row. I am exhausted. I can't handle having a social life anymore, I need to be a hermit. Matte was here all weekend. yesterday Annikki, Matte and I went to the mall then downtown to REI and then to dinner at a Mexican restaurant, where Anni got carded and we couldn't get her a margarita.well, worth a try right. Today I got to see Maysa, the one I lived with in Italy, for all of you who have been long-standing readers and remember the blonde from the pictures. That was really cool. Then my cousin Zac was here to play soccer so I went and watched him. I'm spent. I don't need friends for another two weeks or so after this, I'm all full up :) Zieak and Cena are here soon!