Weekend past...
another weekend come and gone, and I worked the whole damn time. all day saturday and today at Java Hus. I didn't really know what I was doing, but it was fun. good tips too. worked at kito's last night. it was totally busy, and some guy wanted to beat up another guy and I got to call the police so that was exciting. He was a scary, tatted-up dude who apparently just got out of prison so maybe he is not one to mess with. Friday I accidently got really really drunk with Cena, Zieak, Mike, and Josh. Saturday morning sucked royally. Oh today mom and I and Sage went and visited Ailis's kittens and mom was talked into getting one! woohoo I love kittens. if the other potential kitten parents decide not to get it, we are getting the runt, who seriously looks a little mentally challenged but is super cute. Yay a kitten!