Girl's night...
Zieak is out of town, so Cena, Ailis and I hung out last night. We went on a bike ride, stopped at kito's so they could eat, and then went to Cena's so we could watch a movie. We wanted Now and Then, a simply amazing movie, but the unorganized movie rental place couldn't find it. We watched Empire Records instead...which is fine cause I had never seen it, and I feel like it's one of those movies everyone has to see. IT took us forever to get the projector working but Zieak walked Cena through it and she got it....then me and Ailis had to ride our bikes home at like midnight haha. That was fun. Now I'm back at work...clearly being productive...hmmm what else...I did nothing but work and work out yesterday. I walked the dogs, then spent two hours at the gym, then went for an hour long bike ride with the girls. Good stuff.