May will be an easy month of work for me. Should be, at least. Last week I took Friday off and Billy, Shannon, Laura, James, and Dan and I went camping, so I only had a 4 day week. This friday we have "Building Community Day" where we pretent like we are bonding with the other instructors and we do not have class. Next week I only have school Monday and Tuesday then off to Mayfest I go. The week after, I have *gasp* a five day work week. Then the next week, no Monday for Memorial Day and off camping we go again. Hmmm what else...This Friday night is Chelsea Handler's show in Tacoma that Laura and I are going to. Her show is on the E! Network every night at 11:30, she is freakin hilarious, watch it. Hmmmm then P-town. The 31st Dan is taking me to the Canada/Brazil soccer game in Seattle. Soccer isn't much my thing but pro games are ok, I went in Italy too. That's about it....camping was fun, too much booze, not enough sleep, so that is the perfect recipe for great camping.