Karna's Blog

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


It seems that everyone these days thinks i am mexican. My Coast Guard friends got in a fight with some Mexicans a couple weeks ago because the MExicans were harassing me, and speaking to me in Spanish, thinking I am Mexican. Today takes the cake though. Here is the conversation:

Karna walks into Cena's store to visit her. Weird guy is in there.
Weird Guy: Hi.
Karna: Hello.
Weird Guy,talking to Cena but still standing right next to me: Oh thank God she speaks English. Most of them don't.

WHAT THE HECK. Haha. Not a very politically correct statement plus just a little rude, but it was goddamn hilarious. I had to just nod and stand there, I was so shocked. Haha.

In other news, Jagar makes me mean. No Jagarbombs for me. My hubby Laura is in town FINALLY after two months in the Bay. She bought me a sweatshirt. It's red. I love her.