Spring break!
it is now spring break, for the next two weeks. yay. except that i just found out that i have my senior exams right after break, MONDAY for the written field exam and TUESDAY for the oral exam. the orals run from tues through the next monday so i am just one of the lucky few that got tuesday, the first day. at least i'll get it over with, if, knock on wood, i pass. tomorrow i have the WEST-B teacher certification exam, so i am not doing much tonight. lame. but last night ashley and i put away two bottles of wine, a shot of jager, and a few beers at the bar so today wasn't so fun, so it's ok to stay out of it tonight. tomorrow after my test i am leaving to go over to western washington, and i think i am going skiing sunday with my cousin. i went yesterday and my ankle held up, it's sore but i can still ski on it more or less. i love skiing. woohoo!