trivia night
well i did trivia wed. Sebastian, Darrian and I cleaned super fast and then Seb let me go early. I was with Tyna, Rachel who used to own the bottle shop, and "Big House" Christiansen. How's that for a team. We were tied for last and made a comeback, getting second in the end. Got a harbor bar teeshirt. how exciting. Stew had an afterhours party, while more like a "during hours" party, cause we just skipped out on the bar and went home. Then I got annoyed with certain people and went home to zieak and cena's. I'm pretty proud I have not had anyone here yet except my mom, who wanted to tan. Last night I did nothing, Thank God. Watched TV with mom and went to bed and slept for ten hours. I am going shopping today, then gotta go to the elks with my mom and aunt charlie for one drink, then DJ for Zieak. This should be interesting. Heather is gonna help me tonight at least.