And I am still at work. til 8:30. But, I have nothing to complain about, because my 12:30 to 3:30 class didn't actuall start until 2:40 because there was a fight, so there was no movement (meaning no one can go anywhere in the prison, therefore cannot leave their cells to come to class). So I sat around and bs-ed with my coworkers for two hours. I am guessing I won't be so lucky tonight...the 5:30 to 8:30 class doesn't usually start til 6ish anyways. Not so bad, really. No big plans for the weekend...finding Laura a job is on the top of the list. OH so grandma gave me a week of her timeshare and I used my $50 companion fare, so Laura and I are spending a week in Mexico March 29 to April 5 for like $400 bucks each total, airfare AND condo. WOOHOO. I love being a teacher. Same schedule. Two week spring break. Summers off. Life is tough.