Karna's Blog

Monday, December 08, 2008

For Real, Sara

Ok so you might not believe this, but the VERY last thought I had in my mind before I got douched in the eyes was "Don't be a pussy. Squeezing out a child will hurt worse." I kid you not, Sara. That was honestly my thought that got my through it. Haha. So, with any luck childbirth will NOT hurt less, but I am not holding my breath.

The weekend was good. I went camping with Dan. One of these days I will post some pictures, but I'm not sure if Carli still reads this or if she just stalks my myspace these days, and I know her obsession with Dan so I am keeping his pictures to myself right now. HA!

I am at the grandparents' right now, hanging out and getting fed dinner so I can't complain. I am about 65% done Christmas shopping, so that is extremely exciting. Besides that, I am tired, ten hour days are long, and I am going to bed. I will dream about pepper spray and how fun it is. RIIIIIGHT. I did my pepper spray laundry last night and had a relapse. That shit lingers forever.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Pepper Spray Sucks

Well, today was OC day. We ended up having two choices, the red canister (a little less harsh) or the silver canister (more harsh). I was about sixth or seventh to go, the first girl to step up. I let the guy choose which canister to hit me with and of course he chose silver. Fun stuff. It was a count of three and I had to open my eyes. He douched me right in the eyes from four feet away with the shit. GODDAMN THAT STUFF HURTS. I had to run forward, pry my swollen-shut eyes open with my fingers to find Bob the rubber man, and then beat the shit out of him. I felt like I did ok, but turns out when I watched the video, I beat the shit out of Bob. I walloped him over and over in the head with my fists while kneeing him in the rubber balls for the whole 30 seconds. I remember beating him with my fists but I have no recollection of kneeing him so much. Awesome. Then I was escorted to the water bucket where I spent 5 minutes cussing and filling my eyes with baby soap. I went to the yard and stood with the other recently-douched people and it took me 7 minutes to recover. Two other people got better as quickly as I did and the rest of the class took 20 to 45 minutes to get better. I was pretty damn impressed with myself, not going to lie to you. Out of the six girls, I was the only one who didn't cry. There was not a chance in hell I was going to do that. One boy in my class screamed like I have not even heard a little girl scream and dropped to his knees and couldn't even fight off Bob the Rubber Man. Over all, it was a good experience and shockingly I would definitely do it again. Everyone in my class thought it was crazy how fast I recovered. So, overall again, I liked it. Weird, huh? My skin didn't even turn red. I think I will join a Pepper Spray Team. Because I am one badass pepper-spray-receiver. BUT--It did hurt more than anything I had ever done in my life.