Karna's Blog

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


It seems that everyone these days thinks i am mexican. My Coast Guard friends got in a fight with some Mexicans a couple weeks ago because the MExicans were harassing me, and speaking to me in Spanish, thinking I am Mexican. Today takes the cake though. Here is the conversation:

Karna walks into Cena's store to visit her. Weird guy is in there.
Weird Guy: Hi.
Karna: Hello.
Weird Guy,talking to Cena but still standing right next to me: Oh thank God she speaks English. Most of them don't.

WHAT THE HECK. Haha. Not a very politically correct statement plus just a little rude, but it was goddamn hilarious. I had to just nod and stand there, I was so shocked. Haha.

In other news, Jagar makes me mean. No Jagarbombs for me. My hubby Laura is in town FINALLY after two months in the Bay. She bought me a sweatshirt. It's red. I love her.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Whitehorse aftermath

To begin with, my liver hurts, and my kidneys are crying. But the week in Whitehorse rocked, and we took first place, and I was pitcher. I love pitching. I have a sneaking suspicion this is because I like being the center of attention and lo and behold, everyone watches the pitcher. But I actually really do love pitching too, except when I get hit by line drives, which, knock on wood, has not happened this year yet. We also got to go to the Red Onion Saloon and Brothel, which was started in 1898 during the Gold Rush in Skagway. That was cool. Obviously it is no longer a brothel(although I suppose you never know) but it was still cool. I am glad to be home now though, where I am drying out for a while. You know, til Friday. :-)

Christian the Lion video

This is like the coolest thing ever...I want a lion. Research shows that this story is actually really true.

Christian the Lion

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Off to Whitehorse

Hey all, I am off to Canada for a week. Softball tourney in Whitehorse. It starts Thursday and goes til Sunday, but given the shitty ferry schedule we are leaving today and get back late next Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. I will give a full update when I get back.
In other news, Dan gets up here August 6th til Aug 12. That should be fun. I have lots of plans, camping, canoeing, all sorts of alaska shit.
Work is good, the Elks rocks, it's pretty slow some nights, but the old guys tip well.
I am going to Vegas for my birthday this Oct., over Halloween weekend, since my birthday and Halloween are so close. So far me, Dan, Laura, James, Tyna, her boyfriend, maybe Brandi I hear, and Zieak and Cena are going. Should be awesome!

Sunday, July 06, 2008

I hate....

....that guy who does the oxyclean commercials. He yells the whole time. Why? I don't understand the need for screaming about how great his stain removal products are.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Sincere apologies

My apologies go out to Zieak, Cena, Tiffany, Sara, and Genia....and apparently, from what he told me last night, occasionally Kyle, for not posting for a month. The end of school and inmate graduation and whatnot was crazy busy. I am back now, though.

Back in the great white north

Here I am in Alaska. It is surprisingly beautiful out. Sometimes I admit I judge this place too quickly; and now that I have a boyfriend who is down south and I am staying more or less out of the social scene (ok ok not always, I do go out sometimes), the drama has lessened and life here is not really so bad. The Elks is proving to be a great job; I like it so much more than Kitos. I don;t have to put up with cannery workers who don't tip and bark orders at me in either Spanish, Turkish, Romanian, Yugoslavian, etc...and my customers at the Elks are all good tippers, fun to talk to, and out of there by ten at night. Good stuff really, nothing to complain about.