Karna's Blog

Monday, January 26, 2009

A little too much

It's monday, and I already wish it was Friday. Good God. I currently have prisoner from hell, who does not need school but rather a really good shrink. It has been deemed unsafe for him to remain in my class so we are transferring him. I would write more details but when I write my prison book in a couple years, I want you all to buy it.
It snowed this weekend. Grrr. Teasing us. I want either 1)spring or 2)LOTS of snow so work gets cancelled.
My weekends for the next month are filled up. This weekend is superbowl--I think i am going to the ocean to see Dan. Next weekend is a 5K that Sara and I are running Sunday, and Saturday (I just did that backwards, SUn-Sat, weird) I am going skiing with my ten year old cousin. The next weekend is Valentines-Presidents weekend, and I am hopefully going to Kala Point to stay in a condo. The weekend after that I have to move houses. The weekend after that, the 25th til March 1, I will be in Anchorage with the girls. The weekend after that I might be going to Walla Walla with Sara. Holy crap.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hello out there

Here I am. New quarter at school, it's freezing cold out, and I am ready for summer. Here is the update: nothing really is new except i am free from prison CORE training and back to teaching. I have one extremely obnoxious student. The medium security sex offender unit is ok. I still miss you over there, Valdez. One rant I have...it is SO ANNOYING when people ask why i have spring, summer, and christmas break. I know to them it must seem funny since i teach inmates in a prison. But really people, I teach for EDMONDS COMMUNITY COLLEGE and therefore have the same breaks as any normal teacher.
In other news, I need two cheap tickets to Maui for March 21 to 29. Anyone know a good source?