Well, we have class only monday thru thursday here, so it is now officially the weekend. i just got done with italian class. mi chiamo karna. sono di petersburg in alaska. sono una studentessa americana. Look how i am progressing :) hehe.
We are going to Assisi tomorrow and Orvieto on Saturday. The only thing i know about Assisi is from father mike..."saint Francis of Assisi" (i'm not Catholic, but go with my dad sometimes). The churches there are supposed to be awesome, so i will post some pictures when i get back.
Yesterday I went for a run, which is not very common here (i haven't figured out how they eat pasta everyday and aren't all way overweight), but i did it anyways. And lost my keys. This is the one huge no-no, because your host family will have to replace all the locks and alarm. So here I am, sprinting up and down the streets looking for my keys in blind panic, getting weird stares from everyone. I finally found them, THANK YOU GOD, and now i am really sore because i sprinted like 4 miles. Jog 4 miles i can do, sprint 4, not so much.
In other more disturbing news, the leather salesman yesterday kept touching my boobs, which was annoying and kind of gross. I am not buying a jacket from that guy. There are a lot of leather shops in this town, buddy, so quit feeling up your customers. When I find a jacket i like, i will take a picture and show you.
One last thing, I don't like cheese unless it is american cheddar. I am so uncultured and unrefined. But seriously, most of it smells like ass and tastes just as bad as it smells. My roomie loves it, so i make her eat mine. I don't like wine either, but surprisingly am getting used to it. We have it like every single night so I am adapting.
P.S. You guys are doing beautifully on the commenting. I am feeling the love.