Karna's Blog

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

shoutout to Joel and Mom

Mom, Tiffany thinks you're a good mom. I concur.

Joel, we will all miss you. You were a good friend. You used to give me shit in high school about how much I wanted you for your body. Haha you are great.

In happier news, I gave 15 GED predictor tests (they have to pass that in order to be allowed to attempt the real GED), and had 9 pass. Excellent ratio. I have such a good little class of inmates.

Friday, February 22, 2008

My Bad

I accidentally "felt" Zieak. My apologies, Cena.

Blogging for money

I was reading Zieak's blog, and although I am well aware that my blog is not popular enough to every try that blogging for money thing myself, I decided to check out the site and the rules to see why someone as brilliant as Zieak would be rejected. No fucking profanity allowed?! Even if I were that popular, I would be rejected in a heartbeat. Zieak can't capitalize or puncuate, I can't refrain from cussing. I feel you, Zieak.

The secret

Sorry it has been a week. I did mostly nothing exciting over the three day weekend, but the fact that I had no school Monday was exciting enough. Tuesday there was a staff assualt that resulted in an inmate broken arm and my students weren't allowed in class until 7 (instead of 5:45). Wednesday one of the other teacher's students threw a table at the wall. Thursday, today, another student was having problems getting along with his teacher (not my student) and somehow I talked him into taking the test he was supposed to and keeping his mouth shut. I realize that since he is not my student he thinks I am "nicer" since I don't have to be the one disciplining him on a regular basis, but nontheless this brings me to...drum roll....the secret. I have discovered the secret to teaching inmates. Which really is 1)very common sense, 2)applicable to all fields of life and 3)therefore really no secret at all, but here it is anyways. Be nice to them and they'll be nice to you. These guys get treated like shit most of the time, and I'm not saying that sometimes they don't deserve it, but I've found that when I am nice to them, or allow them to talk occasionally about non-school related things, or joke with them, I get much better results. As a result of this epiphany of mine, I have not yet ever had a student throw a table in MY classroom. I only had one guy want to punch me in my face, but even then (and this might be stupid but hey it's done and over with now) I chose not to turn him in and to keep being nice and now he asks me for help almost every day and is working very hard. I believe the urge to punch my face has subsided.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Love note

So Valentine's day sucked some royal ass. I got ditched by my goddamn female date, how pathetic am i. In happier and yet more disturbing news, I got my first love card from Washington State Reformatory. I got a couple when I worked at Washington State Penitentiary in Walla Walla but this was my first WSR one. Sweet. "God and I have something in common....we both love you! yours 4eva. " How sweet.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

I'm a democrat but....

Either way this is still funny to me. Call me immature. I work with prisoners all day, and last year it was 8th graders. I need some "grown up" friends.

Many of you will recall that on July 8, 1947, almost exactly 60 Yearsago, witnesses claim that an unidentified flying object (UFO) with fivealiens aboard crashed onto a sheep and cattle ranch just outside Roswell, New Mexico. This is a well-known incident that many say has long been covered up bythe U.S. Air Force and other federal Agencies and organizations.

However, what you may NOT know is that in the month of March 1948, ninemonths after that historic day, the following people were born:
Albert A. Gore, Jr.
Hillary Rodham
John F. Kerry
William J. Clinton
Howard Dean
Nancy Pelosi
Dianne Feinstein
Charles E. Schumer
Barbara Boxer

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I promise that this illness is airborn (does that have an "e" on the end?) and I am not making out with my students. Promise. Sooo....what's new.....hmmm...I am going to come up for Mayfest. Laura and I are going to get a companion fare and come up for the weekend. I haven't been there for years for it and I am STOKED! I am also going to Ensenada, MExico, with Laura next month. March 29th WOOHOO!! It is a three day weekend this upcoming weekend and we were gonna go to Portland, but decided to wait I guess. I guess I will just be hangin in Kent for three days.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

tired of rain

I am tired of shitty weather. ready for spring. let's fast forward to march 29 when I leave on a romantic vacation with laura. hot.

Monday, February 11, 2008


I am not crazy. I just realized that post went up twice. The computer, the sick one in need of a new battery, told me the first one couldn't publish so I wrote another one. I swear, I am not crazy. Just sick.

The guard told me i suck

Well one of my corrections officers who reads my blog says i suck for going almost a week without writing anything, and he is right so here it is. Turns out i have the flu, a cold, and an ear infection all at once so I have some antibiotics that are not working. I woke up this morning barely able to move because my back is so sore. I have NO idea what I did to it but I hear there are 3 employees over at twin rivers unit that had the flu too, and they all had to get on muscle relaxers because of the back spasms so this must be some weird back-hurting strain of the flu. cool. I love not being able to move my back. I feel like i'm 90. Class tonight still, but I think I shall send them home to their cells early because I hurt.
In other news, I joined the Obama campaign. Officially a volunteer, just haven't done anything yet.
In more news, I infected half my students and both guards.
In even more news,my computer is also at the doctor. It needs a new battery.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


I have the damn flu. I had a cold, I thought, while I suffered through work yesterday (sick days are for vacation, duh) but then last night I started puking all night so that points to the flu, not a cold. Damn. This sucks. Luckily, some guys decided to fight tonight at 3:15 and it took so long to get it all wrapped up that my classes were cancelled and I got to go home early. Perfect timing, thanks guys, appreciate it. ;-)
Glad to see a comment from Tiffany, makes me feel a little more popular. haha.
In other news, I am moving towards hating men again. I thought, momentarily, that maybe there was one that was not pissing me off, but he is starting to annoy me. I hate men.


I have the damn flu. Well, I am assuming it is the flu. I thought it was a cold all day yesterday when I was suffering thru work (sick days are for vacation, duh) and then I puked all night (I know you wanted to know that) so I guess the flu is more likely. Luckily for me, some dudes decided to get in a multi-person brawl at 3:15 and movement got locked down for the night, so my class got cancelled! Yay! Couldn't have asked for better timing. So I got off two and a half hours early, so now I can watch lots of law and order and go to bed early.

Tiffany, glad to see your name on my comments ;-) makes me feel more popular! haha.

Saturday, February 02, 2008


Well I'm not going to go into too much detail, but one of my students tried to hang himself...didn't succeed, luckily, but still, he tried. Makes me feel like I drive my students to suicide, sheesh. That sucks. Hmmm. Well, not much I can do about it. I'm going to the mall to buy shoes right now, that's what I'm going to do about it.