Karna's Blog

Thursday, April 24, 2008


I have reached the conclusion that my life is charmed, and if I bitch about things that are trivial and stupid in this blog, you can tell me to shut up. I have been on, seriously, 5 dates in the last two weeks (I just cannot pick ONE right now, haha). I live in an apartment with two friends (even if allan cannot do a dish to save his life). I am looking for a house to buy for the fall. I love my job. I am going to the Mariners game Saturday, and my little bro is coming to visit. I am going to Alaska in May for Mayfest, I went to Vietnam in November, Mexico in March and also last June, I am going to Canada this summer for softball. Spoiled. La Vita e Bella. (By the way, that is a great movie in Italian).

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Leavenworth Conference

I just got back from my first work conference as a fully employed, (almost) self-sufficient adult. Makes me feel old. But, the conference was pretty fun. Two days in Leavenworth, the town, not the federal prison, although that would have also been appropriate given my work. However, Kristyn and I (coworker, fellow youngster on the job, and fellow Whitman grad) decided that as stuck up as it sounds, we are much more intelligent than anyone who presented, and we are going to present next year. We already got permission. I mean really, no one was well-spoken and one guy just read his power point out loud to the group. EVERYONE knows that you make bulleted points and then elaborate during the lecture. Geez. So we, the youngest in the Prison Educators Association, will present next year and show them how it's done.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Calmer now

Ok, internet fixed. Turns out comcast has not sent us a bill since January. They don't know why. They told us that the mailman has likely been giving our bills to someone else. would have been nice of that person to pay them for us, huh?

Tonight I am going to dinner with a bunch of my sorority sisters. I know I know, I am not in college anymore, but as was POUNDED into our head during that four years, A THETA IS FOREVER. So there.

I will post Mexico pics soon. I found that blogger has made this a much easier thing to do since, say, my Italy days.

Speaking of Italy, I had a dream the other day where I was speaking all Italian, and I think it made sense, so maybe I know more Italian than I thought.

I will be in Petersburg in ONE MONTH! And the hobag, you know who you are now, shall go drinking with me.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Fucking Pissed

I'll tell you ab out MExico soon, but for now, I can only write at work because my roommate, and NOT the female one, has not been paying the goddamn tv and internet bill apparently, since JANUARY, and it got shut off today. He says he has been. Hopefully it's a mix up. But all I know is we have been giving him money to pay it and it has not been paid. Grrrrr