Karna's Blog

Friday, September 30, 2005

Nothing to post about

I can really thing of nothing to say. I just want to link, since now i know how. Oh my God there was a freaky noise outside my window. If i go missing, I kid you not, tell the popo to look at my blog. Tomorrow is my first football game but i have a field trip to the Coyote Ridge Prison. Dang. Saturday is the second football game and i have a required rock climbing trip. The class is fun but i just don't feel like scaling a mountain this weekend. Oh well. I will read in the van. goodnight.
just for fun, here's a link:
Zieak's Blog

I hadn't used Zieak yet :)

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

My first blog with real links

This is my first attempt at linking when i think i actually know what i am doing. Whitman is my school. The Face Book is how i waste my time and procrastinate. This is the coolest store, from which i need to order some clothes for vegas. So, did they all work?

Cena taught me

Cena's Blog

there. does it work?

The Bad Touch

So, I joined a football team. sweet huh. Add another sport to my athletic resume. So far I'm nothing to write home about, but it's fun. I'm playing D-line, so basically I get to hit and shove my way through the O-line to pull the quarterback's flag, or whoever else happens to have the ball. WOOHOO! yeah football. Oh yeah, our team's name is The Bad Touch.


Here's another post. I just got back from the green, which is always fun (the whitman hangout bar). my car is going to see the car doctor tomorrow. This is gonna be a random post, just to warn you before you continue reading. hmmmm what else...school sucks as usual, tons of reading. I had to play a song for my vietnam class tonight, i chose Country Joe and the Fish "I feel like i'm fixin to die rag". I would put a clip of it on here if i knew how but alas, my computer skills are minimal. i have no class tomorrow. so i will do a lot of reading, call my aunt, pay a bill, and go to the store, cuz i have, i kid you not, three cans of soup and four rice cakes. so for my supermodel career, my diet is excellent, but for my survive at whitman, writing 8 billion papers and reading unbelievable amounts of stuff I need to go to the store. at least for beer, to help me forget about all the stuff i have to do, hehe. the end.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Tea Day

DSC03929, originally uploaded by karnavore.

Tea Day is the last day of Rush--excuse me, of "sorority recruitment." Rush is a bad word, apparently. This is Maysa and I--Italy flashback, for those of you who were following our adventures as roommates in Italy. More Tea Day pictures to follow, since I know you all want to see pictures of 50 sorority girls...

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Damn cars

well fine then i might not get a car yet. I am waiting for the report from "Greg's foreign auto" to see what his estimate is. He already said that he doesn't think i need a new clutch, possibly only need new front brakes instead of all four, but that i definetly need a new head gasket cause it is "gushing" oil. Hmmm. Now i am at a loss, cause I can't trade it in as is (in "good" condition it bluebooks at $1100 and it is not "good" condition) and at personal sale price is $2500 but if i have to put that into it to fix it, that's pointless too. So it would seem that the only logical thing to do is put that money into it and then keep it at least for a while. But now i am all pumped to get a new car. I found a BEAUTIFUL Pontiac Grand Am today, black, with black leather interior, for $10990. But they could be talked down from there for sure. So...what to do...help, you people in internetland...

Sunday, September 18, 2005

More on cars

bear with me, there will be a lot about cars coming up in the near future. As per Carli's and Shawn's rejection of Mustangs, and the advice that Toyotas are more dependable (open to debate, i suppose), I have now decided I want a Toyota Celica. I have found a nice one in Seattle (silver, of course--I'm a little closed-minded about the color, I like black or silver...) but i will have to talk them down or convince them there is actually nothing wrong with my eclipse and they should trade it in for a vast amount of money. Good luck to me.

Car, again

AHHHHGHHHH i have to buy a car this weekend. and i have no idea what to get or how to pick it. I want a mustang because they're hot but Shawn has recommended i don't because they are "not that impressive." I disagree, i think they're cool, but he IS the car expert. But what else would i get? I can't get another eclipse cause no one fixes foreign cars, at least not well, where i live. Ford, however, is easy to get work done....hmmm mustang, i may buy you anyways. Oh another question, if a car lot in seattle has a 2003 Ford Mustang, silver, leather interior, 15,000 miles, for $11,495, would you be suspicious?


Tonight was the Beta (a frat) all-campus foam party. I haven't been to it since freshman year because of volleyball, and it wasn't too impressive because the foam machine broke. this year, however, the foam was neck deep and when the machine turned back on (about every 10 minutes) i often thought i was going to suffocate from the foam which was at least a foot deeper than i am tall. it was soooo fun...that's a lot of soapy foamy people smashed together in one place, has the makings for one huge orgy...luckily it didn't get to that stage. Then we showered in the TKE (another frat) house cause i was seriously head to toe covered in foam. Good times had by all.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


I am currently car hunting. My Eclipse decided it would be fun for the clutch to go out, all four brakes to fail, and for oil to leak from every possible place oil can leak out of. And all over the head gasket, valve gasket thing, and spark plugs, cracking the spark plugs. sweet. the car dude has told me that if i drive it very nicely it will get me across the pass the the west side next weekend where i will sell it for unfortunately very cheap and spend the weekend car shopping. I have located many nicely priced mustangs in the area that i am very interested in...

Happy Birthday Sara!

Today (Wed) is Sara's 21st birthday. (Sara is my housemate this year, the one in the concert picture.) I took her out at midnight tonight and we had a couple drinks--she has class in the morning so she didn't want to get all shitfaced. It was fun, though. She was initially a little nervous, cause she's been going to the bars here for a year and a half--she actually took me on MY 21-run last year when she was barely 20! luckily, only one employee noticed that she had definetly been in the bar before and he just thought it was kind of funny.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Keith Lovers

DSC03901, originally uploaded by karnavore.

Sara (my housemate), me and Annie (a fellow volleyball team quitter)

The Gorge

DSC03904, originally uploaded by karnavore.

This was my first time at the Gorge. Beautiful!

Keith Urban is hot

Sara, Annie and I went to the Keith Urban concert in the Gorge last night. SOOOO good. I love him. He's an awesome singer and when he talks it's just as hot cause of that Aussie accent. It is fully in my life plan to live in Australia for at least 6 months. Anyways, the drive there was fine and the concert was great. The drive is about 2 hours and 15 minutes. So, on the way home, about an hour and 15 minutes away from walla walla the radio shut off, followed one by one by the dash lights, the headlights, and eventually the whole car. The educated guess provided by the car expert is that the alternator went out. so we coast into a sketchy parking lot of a few factory warehouse looking places, specifically a bean factory, a produce warehouse, and an unknown one which we were closest too. This is 1 AM so we call AAA. Luckily (??) Sara has by far the worst luck with cars of anyone i know, she has been towed by AAA three times in the last year. So she has the premium package. However, they are coming from Moses Lake and we are in Othello so it is going to take about an hour. So we are sitting here as our car gets colder, but Zieak, Cena and Shawn are keeping me entertained with drunken texts. Then a big semi comes rolling right towards us and has to stop. He thought we were three teenagers toking up in the parking lot, but we explained our dilemma. By the way, this is a Nestle truck--we couldn't think of a good way to hijack it but trust me, we tried. So he let us sit in his truck to keep warm while the crew unloaded the back. Once he was unloaded we got to go in the warehouse and hang out in the breakroom. When the tow truck go there, the crew gave us a ride in the golf cart out to the car. It was great. The two truck ride was an hour and 45 minutes of oldies at 3 AM. Sweet. but we got home, we are safe, and I will now post some pictures. I only have concert pictures but when Annie emails me the factory warehouse pictures i will also post them.


I don't handle stress well.
Plus, i am a spoiled little brat, cause i am freaking out that my laptop computer is not compatible with my (fairly new) digital camera, while there are 100's of thousands of homeless starving people in New Orleans. Humph. I need to watch the news and calm down.


I will soon do a post about the Keith Urban concert last night, but first, since fucking hotmail doesnt work and hasn't for the last two days, this is my plea for help from zieak, the computer God. My computer won't recognize my digital camera, no icon appears on my desktop, on iPhoto i can still download pictures but it won't automatically delete them from my camera, probably cause the rest of my computer doesnt even know a camera is plugged in, and the stupid people in India who just tried to help me said there is absolutely nothing i can do besides buy a new laptop. That my specific computer does not support transfer of video files from a camera via a USB cable, only a firewire cable, but that my specific camera does not support a firewire cable. what the fuck kind of setup is that. Why would sony design something that so totally does not work. I hate cameras, computers, and anything technical except my cell phone, which i cannot live without.

Friday, September 09, 2005


I have internet at my house now! The internet guy set it up this morning! This is very exciting...I was going to post a picture of me and sara from last night before we went out but i decided i don't look very good in it so i will wait and take more tonight...

Thursday, September 08, 2005

concert, funeral, wedding

WEll, I was supposed to go to Monica's wedding this weekend. Turns out it is an 8 hour drive each way, but it still could have been done. However, then my professor went and had heart failure. So now i have to go to his funeral. Therefore, no wedding. But because i will not be going to the wedding, for which i would have had to leave 45 minutes ago, because of this funeral, i will now be attending the Keith Urban Concert in the Gorge with Annie and Sara. Things just work out so weirdly sometimes...

Monday, September 05, 2005

Weird stuff

Wow, the facebook is amazing. this guy i met like three years ago at my grandparents place they live at in arizona found me and sent me a message...this probably means nothing to people who don't have facebook, which i imagine is almost everyone who reads my blog. crazy though, seriously. i thought i would NEVER hear from that guy again...weird. on an entirely unrelated note, i find three hours of debating Marxist threory against Rostow's economic theory entirely boring...

Saturday, September 03, 2005


does strange things sometimes. I consider myself to have a fairly high alchohol tolerance. granted, it dropped a little when i started working at kitos, since i worked instead of drank, but i still think it's up there. last night we had our first senior class party. I drank, over the course of 3 hours, two mike's, two keystones, and a glass of wine. not particularly a lot, since that is only like a little more than 1.5 drinks per hour. however, i thought death was knocking at my door this morning. talk about a pounding head. seriously thought i was going to die, even when i was asleep. i had a dream all night that there was a screw loose in my brain, i don't know WHY my brain was screwed together but it was, and one of the screws had come loose, causing my head to hurt badly, and i was awaiting my doctor's appointment to have it tightened when i woke up. Woke up to discover that in fact my head really DID hurt. Weird. must have been a bad combination of booze.