Sunday, January 28, 2007
sorry i do one good post with lots of pictures and then nothing for ten days. Not much to report though. Lots of homework, and I am going in to the middle school three days a week now. I've met all my kids, they seem like a fairly nice bunch. I got hit on by my first 8th grade boy the other day. good times. hehe. I have not taken any new pictures but as soon as i do i will put them up. I got to see Matte the other day cause he finally got back from his world travels. We went to lunch and dinner and hung out with his sister. tried to go bowling but the first place you had to be over 21 and the second one there was a three hour wait! So we just hung out. I also got to see brandi and jody when they came to town the other day. tyna, alan and krista met us and we all went to dinner. that was fun. i drank saki with alan, that shit is nasty. so is sushi, so the mystery is over. i now know i hate the stuff.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Former Nemeses
Don't know if I spelled that right...nemesis is singular...but anyways me and Laura McCay from Wrangell. She lives nearby me down here in WA and we hang out a lot...hated each other in H.S. bball but now we are all good :)
Jen, Karna and Brita on New Year's!
jen, me and brita at brita's apartment where we made dinner before going out...
Karna on new year's again
Here is a weird picture of me looking at someone...don't recall who took this....
Karna on New Year's
I look kind of like a dork but here is me on New Year's before I went to "work" at Kito''s!
proud new car owner who has to pimp the van
very disappointing, my plates have not yet arrived from ptown (yay for registering it to alaska and not paying sales tax!) and my Temps are expired to I will proceed to pimp grandma's big silver minivan in style to a Hinder concert with Laura McCay from wrangell tonight. A little embarrassing but whatev, we pimped grandpa's car to the Jingle bell Bash concert in december. Laura got me a ticket to hinder, called and ssaid "I got you a ticket to hinder and you can just have it but you must give me a ride to it in downtown seattle". Veeeeerrrrry tricky. Give a girl a hinder ticket (I looooove lips of an angel) and hold it hostage for a ride. good thinking, laura. i will post pictures. I am bringing my laptop to starbucks in a few hours so I can post new year's pictures and some from recently down here. really. for real this time.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Proud new car owner
So I bought it. 2005 Ford Escape, Charcoal grey, super cute, nice inside. 10 grand even. Not bad. I love not paying tax :) Today was sara's baby shower (cousin from dad's side) on Bainbridge Island so i had to drive halfway across the earth and take a ferry t get there but at least i got to see sara. and her two friends nikki and ali who were at her wedding last year. And i met a couple old p-town girls who musta been in school with cena now that i think about it, Bucky Eddy's big sister and also...shit what's her name...she is a crome, like daniel crome's sister. Married to the guthrie twins I guess, although I don't know who they are. so that was cool.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
It's been awhile, so i can't give anyone else shit for not updating in a long time. I'm back in seattle, have been since the 2nd. new year's was fun, i "workeD" but was a little on the drunk, well buzzed, side so it was fun. made shit for tips but I had a good time. The Kito's staff party on the first was fun too. I got a badass stocking from sparky with some random shit in it. dylan says that's how his stockings have always been. I mean there was candy, a dried lemon, pepto bismo, a condom, chapstick, advil, baby bottles of booze, lotion, more candy, fruit, i'm telling ya it was random! I started school last week, night classes again, and yesterday met my eighth graders for the first time. Threw me right into the mix by making me take 21 of them to (with my master teacher too of course) Seattle to the UW library for a field trip to do research. They were nice to me, at least. I hvae four more classes of 20+ kids each to meet still though, so i have almost 100 more kids to convince to be nice to me. Scared of 14 year olds, pathetic.
I went and took a second look with the help of grandpa at the 2005 Ford Escape again. I looked at it monday and liked it and brought grandpa for a second opinion. I went in to look at a 04 escape with 74000 miles for $9999 but turns out it was advertised wrong and it was 10999 but there was an 05, same car, same color but year newer with 71000 miles for 9999. so, lots of miles but new car, pretty cheap. It was a company car, pharmacuetical (how the hell do you spell that...) company who leased it to employees to drive all over hell doing their job. Curt B, Shawn, and my uncle, the car authories, all told me that the mileage was ok as long as they were freeway miles. But to req uest to be able to take the car to a private mechanic to check it over first. So that is my saturday mission. Get car checked out. I like it, it's more than i wanted to spend but hell I'm planning on winning the lottery any day now.
I went and took a second look with the help of grandpa at the 2005 Ford Escape again. I looked at it monday and liked it and brought grandpa for a second opinion. I went in to look at a 04 escape with 74000 miles for $9999 but turns out it was advertised wrong and it was 10999 but there was an 05, same car, same color but year newer with 71000 miles for 9999. so, lots of miles but new car, pretty cheap. It was a company car, pharmacuetical (how the hell do you spell that...) company who leased it to employees to drive all over hell doing their job. Curt B, Shawn, and my uncle, the car authories, all told me that the mileage was ok as long as they were freeway miles. But to req uest to be able to take the car to a private mechanic to check it over first. So that is my saturday mission. Get car checked out. I like it, it's more than i wanted to spend but hell I'm planning on winning the lottery any day now.