Well, I added this haloscan comments thing, because zieak, who is far more computer literate than me, said that is what he uses. And I want to be just like him. So now maybe anyone can leave comments, where before it was either 1)only other registered blogger users, or 2)your comment had to be anonymous. So, leave me a comment to see if it works!!!
Oh yeah, so i turned in the 21-page draft of my illegal abortion paper, and I am almost done proof-reading my paper for the history of sex and sexuality in Latin America. I'm slowly marking them off my list of eight million papers to write.
One more thing, my friend's (who I have promised not to name) 21 Run went, well, like a 21 Run should I guess. I ended my night holding her over the toilet in the MEN's bathroom at the Green at 2 AM. Quite the ghetto bathroom, by the way. As she was hugging the toilet, it fell over. Seriously. The whole thing literally fell over, and I had to pick it back up so she could continue to puke. Good times in the Walla Walla dive-bar scene.