Karna's Blog

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year!

Well it's been a few days but we haven't really done much since then so there is not a lot to report. me, brita, teri jo, jon mckay, and dyl sucked some ass at trivia wed night. pretty funny actually, since we came in late, they sat us in the middle of the room so everyone could see us, and named us the "nerd squad" since all of us, at least those of us in my class, were all big dorks in high school. then we sucked. oh well, it was fun. I DJed friday, that was fun too. tonight we are making dinner at brita and dyl's for us three plus Jen, Stew, Royce, Peeler, and maybe mamie. it will be fun. we might hit the elks after that, and/or the wedding reception, and i have to go to work at 11ish at kitos. i am so damn nice for agreeing to work. who am i kidding, I'll be a drunk cocktailer, but maybe i will make some money too. happy new year!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Girls night tonight

For the first time in a while, me, brita, jen, tj and mamie are ALL available to hang out. We are going to make ice cream in brita's new ice cream maker and watch zoolander. amazing movie. yes. the boys are having poker night so we get brita's apartment to ourselves. no boys allowed.

wow. wow.

that's all that i can say about this town. wow. It's been fun, but fucking drama again for little to no reason. I cleared up the issue with the gettin bitched out in the bathroom. that is resolved. then, I had a good talk with Ambre the other night. No fighting, no badmouthing, no nothing, just talking, deciding to be friends, hugging, and i went home. the next day i hear that drama mamma chubbs is telling everyone we were fighting in stew's kitchen about a boy. hmmm. right. not even close to true. no fighting involved whatsoever. good lord, if there's no drama available, I guess it has to be fabricated. fucking ridiculous.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

DJing rocks

I want zieak's job permanently. I have so many more friends when I 1)have a house with a hot tub and 2)am in total control of if and what music plays at the bar. Troy cancelled me last night cause it was so slow out but at MIDNIGHT when i was IN BED I got SO MANY DAMN phone calls and so did troy that I hauled my ass outta bed and djed for three hours. fun actually. although one girl bitched me out in the bathroom for a poorly worded joke alan and i had. oops. and then I am a homewrecker and possibly was a part of an ex breaking up with his new girlfriend. damn. one week in town and I am tearing things up. I need to leave. And then other friends heard stuff that wasn't true today and I had to clear that up. yeesh. drama drama drama. I think i emerged from the wreckage ok though, since if they all want music next week they must all be nice to me. WOOHOO POWER!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

I hate liars+djing!

Liars suck. enough said. DJing went beautifully. Everyone seemed amused by the fact that two chicks were "zieak" for the night. We got lots of requests and i find djing much more enjoyable than cocktailing since I can make a playlist and go dance. When I waitress I gotta just waitress. Speaking of which, I have been tricked into cocktailing on new year's somehow. I'm not sure how they tricked me into agreeing to such a terrible thing. I better make some damn money. whatever. I'll be all dressed up and flirt with some dudes to take their money, it's all good. Besides, all my friends but a few will have left by then: no tyna, kayleigh, tessa, krista, nicole, bob, sig, gibb, cody...it goes on. and my annual new year's date is out of the country. no one but brita, who has dyl, jen, who has stew, is left. so that's lame and I might as well make some money.

Friday, December 22, 2006

trivia night

well i did trivia wed. Sebastian, Darrian and I cleaned super fast and then Seb let me go early. I was with Tyna, Rachel who used to own the bottle shop, and "Big House" Christiansen. How's that for a team. We were tied for last and made a comeback, getting second in the end. Got a harbor bar teeshirt. how exciting. Stew had an afterhours party, while more like a "during hours" party, cause we just skipped out on the bar and went home. Then I got annoyed with certain people and went home to zieak and cena's. I'm pretty proud I have not had anyone here yet except my mom, who wanted to tan. Last night I did nothing, Thank God. Watched TV with mom and went to bed and slept for ten hours. I am going shopping today, then gotta go to the elks with my mom and aunt charlie for one drink, then DJ for Zieak. This should be interesting. Heather is gonna help me tonight at least.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

the weather here sucks

it's raining. destroying all the lovely snow. I got my nails done this morning and already have destroyed my thumb nail. bummer. I am COVERED in bruises from the other night at jake's house. weird. my whole left hand is a bruise, the back of my right knee is blue, and both knees are cut and bruised. and all we did was drink and hot tub. weird. I'm falling apart. Tonight is trivia, but alas, I am a nice person and agreed to fill in a couple nights at the pizza place cause scott is short-staffed and i didn't realize there was trivia. so maybe you all stand a chance now :)HA! kidding. Besides, my normal team is MIA: zieak, brita and matte. none of them are here so I would be starting from scratch. And I hate to lose, so maybe it's better I avoid the whole situation :)

Sunday, December 17, 2006

home again home again

jiggity jig. I've used that title for a post before. It put it in there from memory. So, two nights in town, two nights drunk. This town, I tell ya. But I did get to see my bartender friends who I love, Kyle, Jody, and Troy, so it was worth all the hangover :) Ha. Friday was pretty packed, it was fun getting to see everyone again all at once. Mamie got drunk with me which is rare so that was great. Saturday Tyna and I had a date and went out together (we let Alan come too to drive us). :) Then we went to Josh and Rachels for an afterparty and me, Gibb, Fritz, Rachel, Etcher, Jules, and Troy had a snowball fight in the hospital parking lot at 4 AM. that was fun. Gibb whitewashed me about 12 times, that was cold, but then Rachel gave me her pajama pants to wear to bed and they FIT which made my entire LIFE happier since she is so damn skinny :) ha.

Saturday, December 09, 2006


yay my torturous saturday class is DONE! Handed in my final thesis proposal today. The PROPOSAL for research was 12 pages so i am horrified to think of how long the thesis itself will be. probably around 50 pages. not too bad. could be 75, that would be worse. now i will go visit my cousin. go to the gym. oh and swap rental cars because for fuck's sake, i had two flat tires yesterday in the rental. should i be doomed to travel by public transportation forever? My luck is not with the car portion of my life. yeesh. Then i will do very little that requires energy tonight. Thurs night I went to "A Christmas Carol" in the the ACT theater in seattle. last night was "A funny thing happened on the way to the forum", put on by the Kentlake high school theater. tomorrow is the Jingle Bell Bash concert. Monday is the "Body...the Exhibit" in seattle with all the skinless bodies posed in weird positions, followed by finding out where i will be placed to do my student teaching next semester, followed by dinner with former roomie sara. Tues, class. wed, class. Thurs, hawks with any luck. friday, home. goodness. i need to christmas shop.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I'm at school

and obviously not paying attention. I have a rental. It is not snowing or raining. Although I have not heard "we WILL fix your car", i have also not heard "we will NOT fix your car" so life is ok. I have finals all week, from tomorrow til next tuesday. This sunday is Jingle Bell Bash. and Laura McCay and I from wrangell are gonna try to get tickets to the HAwks game the 14th. I was supposed to go to Dane Cook's comedy show, Zac has tickets, but turns out Dane Cook just PICKED people to be in it and is not showing up himself, so that is lame and i would rather see the hawks play!